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231 ZweikampfThe virtuosic possibilities of the harpsichord are expounded with the addition of a second instrument, creating natural competition between the two players. Composers, exploiting this natural inclination to ‘show off,’ created pieces full of glittering phrases and brilliant passage work, a chance to display their finest artistry and dramatic flair.

Faythe Vollrath - harpsichord
Stephen Gamboa - harpsichord


Zweikampf, the harpsichord duo, formed in 2009. Since then they have delighted audiences with engaging and eclectic concert presentations. Engagements have included the Phoenix and Iowa City Early Music Societies, and performances in California, New York, and Minnesota. They have been heard on Harmonia Baroque and Arizona Public Radio.

Midtown Concerts sponsors lunchtime performances of music of the 18th century and earlier. Ensembles are chosen by a panel of early music specialists from the metropolitan area.

Time: Thursdays, 1:15–2:00 pm
All concerts are free; no tickets or reservations are necessary.

Concerts are in person at St. Malachy's Church, 239 West 49th Street, Manhattan, AND live streamed.