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TrobarSongbook for a King.

Trobár presents the story of the Manuscrit du Roi, a multi-layered, 13th-c. anthology of troubadour and trouvère songs, instrumental pieces, and polyphony including motets and chansons. Explore with us the fascinating history, beautiful images, and diverse music of a songbook fit for a king through this multimedia concert experience.

Allison Monroe, voice, vielle
Elena Mullins, voice, percussion
Karin Weston, voice, harp


1:15 - 2:00 pm
All concerts are free; no tickets or reservations are necessary.

The Chapel at St. Bartholomew's Church
50th St. and Park Avenue


Midtown Concerts sponsors lunchtime performances of music of the 18th century and earlier. Ensembles are chosen by a panel of early music specialists from the metropolitan area.

Time: Thursdays, 1:15–2:00 pm
All concerts are free; no tickets or reservations are necessary.

Concerts are in person at St. Malachy's Church, 239 West 49th Street, Manhattan, AND live streamed.