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Fêtes Galantes: Marais on Pardessus

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Hesperus tina chancey 600x420The five-string pardessus de viole enjoyed a repertoire of sonatas and suites borrowed from the finest composers; its resonant sound and delicate nature proving surprisingly persuasive, compensating for imagined deficiencies of range and volume. Nowhere is that more true than in this concert of bass viol music by Marin Marais, inspired by the 1759 pardessus arrangements of M. Villeneuve. 

Tina Chancey ~ pardessus de viole 
John Mark Rozendaal ~ basse de viole
Webb Wiggins ~ harpsichord

Tina Chancey directs Hesperus and plays medieval and traditional fiddles on roots music from Sephardic to Machaut. Her specialty is the pardessus de viole; with support from the NEA she made her pardessus debut at Carnegie Recital Hall and the Kennedy Center, and has released five pardessus recordings. Tina produced an International Pardessus Conference at the Boston Early Music Festival in June 2017.

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1:15 – 2:00 pm
All concerts are free; no tickets or reservations are necessary.

In person at The Church of the Transfiguration, 1 E 29th St, New York City

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Midtown Concerts sponsors lunchtime performances of music of the 18th century and earlier. Ensembles are chosen by a panel of early music specialists from the metropolitan area.

Time: Thursdays, 1:15–2:00 pm
All concerts are free; no tickets or reservations are necessary.

Concerts are in person at St. Malachy's Church, 239 West 49th Street, Manhattan, AND live streamed.