Rhine Journey: German Music for Viols and Harpsichord.
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Martha McGaughey, Carlene Stober ~ viols
Arthur Haas ~ harpsichord
Empire Viols explores the Rhine through haunting, tuneful music of German composers of the Baroque. The tour includes two Rhine pieces: renowned gambist Johannes Schenck's Le Nymphe di Rheno and Johann Jakob Froberger's travelogue, Le Passage du Rhin, as well as a passacaglia by Johann Friedrich Meister. Transcriptions of Johann Sebastian and son Wilhelm Friedemann Bach complete the trip.
Founded in 1994, Empire Viols focuses on the rich repertoire for two viols and harpsichord, expanding it with adventurous transcriptions of music originally for other instruments. The ensemble performs in the Northeastern United States and beyond and was featured on composer Debra Kaye's debut CD, “And So It Begins”.
1:15–2:00 pm
All concerts are free; no tickets or reservations are necessary.
In person at St. Malachy's Church, 239 West 49th Street, Manhattan
Live stream details: You can watch it on your computer in any of two places by clicking on the name you wish: our website or YouTube.